New Pathfinders


Click here to view the information booklet for new members.


Please complete the annual online registration for each of your pathfinder aged children and if you intend being a parent helper please complete for yourself as well.

Note: we would encourage you to read the club policies in the Parents Area before registering your child (or yourself).


Click Join or Renew to register.


Annual fees Per Pathfinder Without Sibling Discount With Sibling Discount
New Pathfinders (Rego + Field Shirt + Sash + Compass)



Returning Pathfinders (Rego only)






If these costs are likely to cause financial hardship please contact the Pathfinder Director, because we don’t want this to stop your child from joining our club.


PARENT HELPERS AND LEADERS:  All adults who attend any camp or have any involvement with the club MUST complete the medical and registration forms, as well as a Working With Children Check, all located on the pathfinder website. The WWCC is to be applied for online at  Following application you will receive an application number which you will need to take to a NSW Motor Registry for identification purposes.  When you receive your results forward these to Pathfinder Club's Child Protection Coordinator ( for our records.


Camping Fees


These vary according to the type and duration of the Club Camp, however are generally $37 per camp per member. Camp applications will be available online prior to each camp at the Pathfinder web site at  This will advise if the cost of the camp applies only to the Pathfinder or if any attending adults are also required to contribute to cover their costs.


Rates for one off camps are normally around $50 per camp. A child who is not annually registered may attend on the condition that they complete the online registration and medical forms as well as the camp attendance registration form.  The person may only attend once on this arrangement.


Notifications and Online Registrations

Camp information and online permission registration will be available via the Member Jungle App 2-3 weeks prior to each camp. The email address and mobile phone that you provided at registration will be used as your primary contact.  All details pertaining to departure and arrival times will be included on that information form.   There will be information provided about an emergency contact person for each camp.  There will be a ‘camp first aid’ person who will be attending each camp.  You will be informed of who the first aider is so that if there is any medical information specific to your child it can be discussed  prior to departure.  Any medications or recent illnesses should be noted on the returned permission form.

Please note that registrations will close at 11:59pm on the Sunday 1 week prior to the camp. This will be strictly adhered to due to the increasing size of the club and complexity of arranging adequate transportation for Pathfinders. Please respect the club leadership in this regard, as all staff give of their valuable time freely and generously behind the scenes to arrange each camping experience.  The added stress to leaders of chasing applications and late payment is something that should be avoided if possible. If you will have difficulty getting your child to the departure point on time, please notify a leader so alternative arrangements can be made.

Online registration for each Pathfinder and Leader for each camp must be complete prior to departure.  This is an insurance requirement.


Parent/Adult/Teen Helpers


Any person attending any Pathfinder event in any capacity (eg. parent, adult helper, teen helper) is required to register for the event. You must register for the event using a login that is in your own name (you are NOT to register yourself using your child’s or another person’s login). You will need to have completed the annual registration to be able to register for a camp / event. The annual registration plus registering for the camp / event ensures that we have your medical and emergency contact details on hand during the camp / event.



If parents of first-time pathfinders wish to attend their first camp, this can be accommodated. Please note that all adults attending camps must meet both the general expectations for parents attending camps and the Child Protection requirements (both outlined below). We discourage ‘helicopter parenting’; that is, parents who hover and fuss over their children. But we understand that there is a process of growth for both the parents and children when children are attending camps for the first time and we wish to make this transition to being an independent Pathfinder as stress-free and enjoyable for families and children as possible. Parents of new Pathfinders can assist with this transition by practicing camp cooking and camp meal preparation at home with their children prior to their first camp. Our club is staffed by a good number of enthusiastic and experienced parent leaders who are committed to the well-being and safety of your children during our camps.



Any parents wishing to attend Pathfinder camps/events are expected to:

  • Discuss their attendance with the relevant camp organiser prior to the camp/event.
  • Register for the camp/event using a login that is in your own name (as above).
  • Have met the Child Protection requirements below including forwarding the relevant details to the Club’s Child Protection Coordinator in a timely manner prior to the camp/event you plan to attend.
  • Be actively engaged in all club activities throughout the duration of the camp/event (that is, observe/participate in/assist with whatever the rest of the Club is doing at the time).
  • Camp in the same way that the rest of the club is camping – this is generally in tents (please do not plan to camp in a caravan or camper trailer).
  • Honour club philosophies, policies and culture.
  • Encourage your child/children to engage fully in the program of activities planned for the camp/event.
  • Assist with transporting Pathfinders to and from the camp/event (any exceptions to this need to be discussed with the camp organiser). Petrol money can be reimbursed if a receipt is provided to the treasurer. Please ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy and covered by appropriate insurances.
  • Attend all leader briefings during the camp/event – check with the camp organiser when these will occur.

If any parents have any particular skills, experience or qualifications in conducting outdoor activities, driving buses or other things that would be of benefit to the club, please discuss this with the Club Director. We are always interested in providing new experiences for Pathfinders.


Child Protection Requirements for Parents / Adult Helpers

Any adult planning to attend any Pathfinder event must be aware of Child Protection principles and adhere to these at all times. This is both for the protection of the Pathfinders as well as the adult. Our ‘Child-Safe Code of Conduct’ provides details on these principles and their application. It can be downloaded here.



Any adult attending any Pathfinder event is required to have a current Working With Children (WWC) number. The WWC number can be applied for online at Following the online application you will receive an application number which you will need to take in person to a Services NSW Office for identification purposes. After you have done this, you will receive the outcome of your application for a WWC number via email. This email must be forwarded, WITH your date of birth, to the Club’s Child Protection Coordinator prior to involvement at any Pathfinder event for our records and clearance. The Club’s Child Protection Coordinator can be contacted via email at



In ADDITION to the WWC number (above), any adult attending any overnight Pathfinder event is ALSO required to have:

  • Signed the online ‘Code of Conduct’ on the AdSafe website (see instructions below), AND,
  • Completed the ‘Safer Churches Training’ on the AdSafe website (see instructions below), AND,
  • Forwarded details of all these to the Club’s Child Protection Coordinator in a timely manner PRIOR to attending any Club event (email to

If the Child Protection Coordinator has not received ALL three of these requirements (WWC number, signed Code and completed training) with adequate time to confirm their validity, you will NOT be allowed to stay overnight at the event.

To sign the ‘Code of Conduct’ you will need to visit: and log in (please sign up for an account if you do not already have one) then enrol in and complete the ‘Code of Conduct’. Instructions for setting up an AdSafe account and completing the Code can be downloaded here. Once you have signed the Code of Conduct you will receive an email confirming this – please forward this email to

To complete the ‘Safer Churcher Training’ you will need to visit: and log in (use the same details you used for the ‘Code of Conduct’). The online training uses videos, exercises and written (or spoken if preferred) content and consists of 7 modules online. It is available anywhere there is internet connectivity and a computer or handheld device. It usually takes around 2-3 hours to complete online and progress can be saved and returned to later (it does not all have to be done in one go). Once you have completed the training you will receive an email confirming your completion – please forward this email to




Wallsend Pathfinder Club has two uniforms:  A Field Uniform is worn to most events and camps and a Dress Uniform is worn to special events such as Anzac Day march, Camporee, Fairs and Investiture.

The Field Uniform is a green and black polo shirt with Club logo.

The Dress Uniform consists of:

BOYS White short sleeve shirt & Black long trousers
Black belt (school belt acceptable)
Black socks
Black lace-up shoes (school shoes appropriate)
Scarf and Woggle
GIRLS White short sleeve shirt Black long trousers
Black socks
Black lace-up shoes (school shoes appropriate)
Scarf and Woggle

The Field Shirt and sash (used for attaching honour patches) are included in the cost of your New Pathfinder Registration.  Additional Field Shirts can be purchased as needed for $30 and additional sashes for $15.


The Dress Uniform Shirt will be provided as part of the initial registration fee.


Award Ceremony

The annual Award Ceremony takes place during a church service run by the pathfinders and is usually held in late November or early December.  Each child is encouraged to achieve the requirements so they can advance to the next level.

To receive the award for the year level, Pathfinders must participate in at least 75% of the club’s annual program.  Attendance in 75% of the club activities includes campouts, camporee, expedition, pathfinder fair, community projects and fundraising.

The award ceremony is also where each Pathfinder receives the various honour patches and awards they have earned during the year.