About Wallsend Pathfinders

Pathfinders is a church-centred, spiritual-recreational program for young people 10 to 16 years of age. Its 1.1 million members are scattered throughout 80% of the countries of the world. It is filled with action. adventure and challenge. It allows children to develop new attitudes and skills. These are skills that will produce personal growth, team spirit and a sense of loyalty, and respect for God, His creation and His church.

The whole philosophy of pathfindering is built on the premise that children learn best by example rather than commands,  As they see leader and parents model spiritual and social values, they too will aspire to develop high moral principals, loving and caring attitudes, and determination to excell in all their various pursuits.

Foremost, the ideals and objectives of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are taught through an active leaning program, which appeals to the learning style of this age group.  Although Pathfindering is sponsored by local Adventist churches, youth of any
faith-group are welcome to join.



Pathfinder Club’s activities range from community and world development projects to nature and outdoor activities such as parades, backpacking, park cleanups, caving, abseiling, mountain bike riding, surfing, canyoning, and many others. Pathfinders even plan and cook their own meals when camping! Pathfindering challenges the unique talents of each participant.


The Pathfinder Pledge

Loving the Lord my God I will Daily seek His presence

  • Show friendship to others
  • Keep the Pathfinder Law
  • And honour my country


The Pathfinder Law

The Pathfinder Law is for me to:

  • Look for the good in others
  • Aim to do my best
  • Love and respect my family
  • Be thankful for what I have
  • Preserve God’s creation
  • Take care of my health
  • Be involved in my church
  • And go where He sends.


 Wallsend Pathfinder Club Pathfinder Philosphy

  1. Help the Pathfinders to understand that God loves them, cares for them and appreciates them. As Pathfinders are accepted and affirmed they will begin to appreciate the love of God revealed through the church and its ministry, and feel a need to be more committed to and involved with its program.
  2. Encourage Pathfinders to discover their own God-given potential and to use their gifts and abilities to fulfil God’s expectations for them and the part they can play in the great plan of salvation.
  3. Inspire Pathfinders to give personal expression of their love for God by uniting them together in various outreach activities.
  4. Make the number one priority of the club program the personal salvation of every Pathfinder. The Pathfinder age is a time when many decisions are being made that will affect future relationships and personal development. The peak time for discovering and making a relationship with God is often about twelve years of age.
  5. Build into a Pathfinder’s life a healthy appreciation and love for God’s creation by enjoying outdoor activities (campouts, nature walks, nature Honours etc.). Pathfinders will experience a sense of wonder and worship as they observe and explore the beauty, the majesty and the creative power in nature. Fellowship with God will become more meaningful.
  6. Teach Pathfinders specific skills and hobbies that will make their lives more meaningful and will occupy their time with profitable accomplishments. Young people experience satisfaction and delight as they use their hands to fashion useful articles from wood, plastic, steel, clay and yarn, and as they discover how things work and operate.
  7. Encourage the Pathfinder to keep physically fit. This is one important way to safeguard against idleness and boredom. Teach them to care for their body and establish habits that will provide for their future happiness and usefulness. (cf. 2 Testimonies, pp. 536, 537; Education, p. 195)
  8. Give opportunity to develop and enlist leadership by encouraging club members, parents, youth, church and community members to work together and share in leadership responsibility. This will teach Pathfinders the lessons of obedience, discipline, resourcefulness, patriotism and the processes of group dynamics.
  9. Seek to foster the harmonious development of the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual life of the Pathfinder. The invigoration of mind and body, the fostering of an unselfish spirit, the attention to recreational and cultural activities will provide stimulus for personal growth and act as an outlet for that restless energy which is so often a destructive source of danger to the young person. It is said of Jesus that He grew in wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and man (Luke 2:52).


Wallsend Pathfinder Club – Code of Conduct

The purpose of Pathfindering is to encourage the spiritual, physical, mental, and social development of young people. This is achieved by the example and guidance of dedicated men and women who help the Pathfinder members in the fulfillment of the Pathfinder Pledge and Law, so they become constructive and responsible citizens.

Pathfinders shall:

  • Have Respect for God
  • Participate in all activities.
  • Act at all times in accordance with Pathfinder principles, set out in the
  • Pathfinder Pledge and Law.
  • Respect the dignity of themselves and others.
  • Wear suitable and modest dress.
  • Refrain from offensive language.
  • Respect all other Pathfinder members and Leaders.
  • Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility, recognising that at all times their words and actions are an example to other members and the Community.
  • Act in consideration and good judgment in all interpersonal relationships, both inside and outside Pathfinders.
  • Respect everyone’s right to personal privacy at all times. They should take special care with sleeping, changing of clothes, bathing and ablutions that are associated with any Pathfinder activity.
  • Realise that bullying, physical and verbal abuse, neglect or any other type of abuse is unacceptable conduct by any member.
  • Refrain from bringing any electronic device, phones, electronic games etc to any Pathfinder organized event or meeting unless by prior arrangement with the director.
  • No use of Tobacco, alcohol and drugs.